Entrepreneur, Brand Strategist, Full-Stack Designer and Life Designer.

I’m on a mission to empower the Ummah by helping men become charismatic Ummah Leaders like the Prophets and Sahabas (peace be upon them all) by making men 🤲 spiritually, 💰financially,💪physically, 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦socially, and 🧠 mentally stronger.

Everyday I work on my own moto:

“Be the Leader the Ummah needs”

I go by my social media name: The Ummah Entrepreneur

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🎨 Past Design Projects


📚 Knowledge Hub & Skills

I am an active learner and love learning skills that will help me serve the Ummah better.

More than a book reader, am a visual learner and hence prefer courses and videos over books anytime.

To be a leader you have to be a “Jack of all trade and a Master of one” and hence I prefer being a Polymath.

Yes, the above proverb is not what you thought it is. The proverb you know is for lazy bummers.

🎁 Want to be a Polymath? Here is Free gift for you

These are all my courses and Books I have taken so far.

I have written a small review to help you choose the right course if you were to start learning today.

The reviews are short to not keep you bored but to quickly know is it really for you.

These reviews are solely my point of view and doesn't have to appeal to others.

<aside> ⚠️ The Book summaries are not written by me.


<aside> <img src="/icons/more_gray.svg" alt="/icons/more_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Reviews are not written for some courses below. I will keep it updated as I find time.


<aside> ✅ Here are some of the things I look forward in a course to consider it valuable:

1. It should have good visual representation so that it is easy to remember.

  1. It should neither be too short nor too long

  2. Canvases & exercise sheets should be provided

  3. It should be more practical than theory.

  4. It should have case studies.



⚡ Current Projects

Portfolio Current Projects DB

👁️ Future Projects
